Family Law
Resolving family disputes is nearly always a daunting, exhausting and emotional process. At Collins, Ritchie & Ervin, our family law attorneys are experienced in navigating the complicated legal processes of divorce, legal separation and child custody disputes. We will put our experience to work for you and provide you with the guidance and information you need to make the best decisions for you and your family.

Advocating for our family law clients all the way to the courtroom, if necessary.
Our attorneys have helped clients with issues ranging from simple separations to complex divorces involving large estates, numerous properties and substantial business holdings. While our goal is to reach a fair settlement, we are always prepared to advocate for our clients’ interests all the way through hearing or trial.

Custody & Child Support
The laws regarding child support and child custody are always changing. If you’re not aware of these changes, you can be neglecting your rights regarding how often you can see your child, or how much financial support you pay or receive. We know and understand your frustration during this process, and want to help you get what is best for you and your children.
We are here to ensure the best legal outcome for you and your children.
As long as your child is a minor, you can always go to court to change your custody or child support status. Whether it’s a change in your financial situation, wanting to spend more time with your children, or if you see your children more than is documented, we are here to ensure the best possible outcome.

Comprehensive legal representation in all child custody & support matters.
If you have been served with a court order for child custody or child support, you have thirty days to file a response. If you are not represented by counsel, you may be on the losing end of a lengthy and difficult process. If you try to calculate your child support payment yourself, you are likely to pay more than required, or receive less than what you deserve. Our expertise will help you get what’s best for you and your children.
Divorce is difficult. We'll be there to protect you and what belongs to you.
Without the representation of an experienced divorce attorney, you are exposed to many fears, doubts, uncertainties, and will have no shortage of questions. What is this court order being served on me? How will I receive what I am entitled to? How can I protect my children? When will this be over?
There’s no pleasant way to get a divorce, but there is a correct way. As your divorce attorneys, we promise to ease the burden of this difficult time and work to protect you and what belongs to you.
We prefer to be upfront about our costs. Getting a divorce isn’t cheap or free, and neither are we. But we guide you every step of the way, helping you to avoid pitfalls that can cost you far more dearly.
At Collins, Ritchie & Ervin, our experience allows us to answer all of your questions and create solutions to your worries and concerns. We work to get what you are entitled to, and bring you peace of mind. We want to relieve the burden of this tough time for you, and also help secure a future for you and yours.
As our client, you will have a divorce attorney who is completely transparent with you about your case, and is available to alleviate any concerns you have after you have retained our counsel.
There is a way through this difficult time, and as your divorce attorneys, we will guide you and fight for you to bring you the relief of closure and security when the final papers are filed.

We work to get what you are entitled to, and bring you peace of mind.
Dissolution of Same-Sex Marriage or Domestic Partnerships
We are no strangers to the legal complexities of same-sex partnerships. The dissolution of a domestic partnership or same-sex marriage is very similar to a divorce, but through years of experience we’ve realized that there are many intricacies that require special attention.
We’ve realized that there are many intricacies in domestic partnerships that require special attention.
Same-sex couples are legally able to marry in California and throughout the country, with the many state and federal benefits a legal marriage provides. But the legal nuances of domestic partnerships versus same-sex marriage can be complex and confounding.

We will use every aspect of the law at our disposal to get you the protection and security you desire and deserve.
At Collins, Ritchie & Ervin, we are empathetic towards helping you dissolve your domestic partnership. We will use every aspect of the law at our disposal to get you the protection and security you desire and deserve. We understand you want your dissolution process to be as painless as possible. Our experience in this area will guide you through the process, and allow you to feel at ease while we work hard for you.
Our compassionate and understanding firm knows your rights and can help you move toward a future of promise and optimism, even after this unfortunate circumstance. We can help guide you to your goal of starting a new chapter in
your life.
Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
At Collins, Ritchie & Ervin, LLP, we are experienced in offering legal counsel and defense for cases of domestic violence and abuse. Don’t risk attempting to represent yourself—you have too much to lose. We understand all aspects of domestic violence, and know what is needed to represent you.
If you are the victim and the court finds the defendant committed domestic violence, a permanent restraining order will be issued. This legally prohibits the defendant from owning a gun, or coming within a certain number of feet from you, your children, your house, your work, your school, or other locations. The court may also issue a move-out order to the defendant requiring them to vacate the joint residence.

Whether you are the victim, or have been accused, it is essential that you understand your rights and actions that must be taken, and to find the right attorney for your case. We can help.
Guardianship Petition
When a child is neglected or in a dangerous situation, an adult who has the child’s best interests in mind wants to remove them from that situation ASAP. But without filing the proper paperwork, the child often goes right back into the past situation. Other times, a child is left with an inheritance, and an adult is needed to tend to
their estate.

Many individuals file for legal separation due to religious, medical insurance, tax or other reasons.
Going through a legal separation can be an emotional and stressful experience. Understanding and completing the necessary court forms throughout your case can be overwhelming, and understanding the law to ensure your best possible outcome can get tricky and frustrating.
Legal Separation
Filing for legal separation is different than filing for a divorce. You and your spouse will remain married with a legal separation. Many individuals file for legal separation due to religious, medical insurance, tax or other reasons.
Although you remain married after the legal separation, the court can divide your property and issue orders relating to child custody, child visitation, child support, spousal support, and if necessary, a domestic violence restraining order.
Our objective at Collins, Ritchie & Ervin, LLP is to make the process as easy as possible for you. Whether you are just starting your case or are in the midst of contested litigation we will represent you through each and every step. Our knowledge and experience in legal separation cases will help you obtain the best possible outcome that is cost-effective.
Dividing assets and debts, or proving your property is yours and shouldn’t be divided, is a complex area of law that requires indepth knowledge of the family code and the most current case law. We have the expertise to advise you on the law and help you obtain the best possible outcome.

Our knowledge and experience in legal separation cases will help you obtain the best possible outcome that is cost-effective.
Marital Property Settlements
There’s really no such thing as an ‘easy divorce,’ but during this difficult time filled with emotions it’s important to be thorough, accurate and fair regarding marital property settlements.
Who owns what, who is responsible for paying which debts and who gets the frequent flyer miles are just a few of the questions we’ve seen in our family law practice. We use our experience to get to the bottom of what’s considered marital property and what isn’t.
We get to the bottom of what’s considered marital property and what isn’t...
At Collins, Ritchie & Ervin, LLP, we approach every divorce, mediation and marital property settlement with expertise and the human touch. Our team of experienced family law attorneys will comb through the division of assets, search for hidden assets, closely examine your unique situation, and negotiate the best possible terms for you. We stand up for our clients and ensure they receive everything they are legally entitled to.
Some things to consider when hiring an attorney for marital property settlements:
If you’d like guidance on the above questions, or any other questions you have, please call us to schedule a consultation.

Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements
Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are often regarded with derision, and even mockery. But members of the public often do not recognize there are situations in which such agreements can help both parties protect their interests.

Prenuptial & postnuptial agreements assure peace of mind should divorce become necessary.
Prenuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements get a bad reputation. Most feel that if there is trust and honesty in a relationship, then a prenuptial agreement is unnecessary. This assumption can often lead to a costly back-and-forth battle over what is owed and what one feels entitled to.
It has been our experience that being upfront and honest with each other about what is separate property and what is shared property, and putting it in writing is the best way to guarantee peace of mind for both parties and create a smoother and less stressful divorce agreement should that come to pass.
Postnuptial Agreements
Sometimes, an agreement needs to be made after you’re married. Maybe you’re starting a business, and your partners require you to get one. Or you have an existing prenuptial agreement that needs to be updated to reflect changing circumstances.
Courts look upon postnuptial agreements with great scrutiny, and they must be negotiated in good faith. Having an attorney negotiate on your behalf is critical to your protection and peace of mind.
Spousal Support / Alimony
Spousal support is money that one spouse pays to help support the other after a divorce or legal separation.
Even while the separation or divorce process is going on, a spouse or partner can ask a court to issue a temporary spousal/partner support order.
The experience needed to negotiate the best possible spousal support settlement.
Spousal support is a complex area of family law. It is necessary to understand how the facts of your case coincide with the many factors the court takes into consideration. At Collins, Ritchie & Ervin, LLP, we have the knowledge, understanding and experience to achieve the best possible spousal support agreement.
Once the judge issues the final judgment, you will receive monthly payments. However, many circumstances affect the status of support. We know what can happen after a final judgment, and will continue to work for you to protect
your interests.
Once the judge issues the final judgment for support, monthly payments can continue until:
Should the circumstances change for either person after the judge has issued the final judgment for support, a request can be made to change the amount of spousal support/alimony at any time.
Do not hesitate to call the law firm of Collins, Ritchie & Ervin, LLP today to schedule an appointment to speak with an attorney about your spousal support needs.